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”Kids Save Lives” is a statement published in 2015 jointly by ILCOR- International Liaison Committee on Resuscitation, WHO- World Health Organization, ERC- European Resuscitation Council and other international health organizations. It promotes children learning CPR and First Aid. Survival after cardiac arrest crucially depends on the proportion of CPR trained individuals in a population, and this important percentage of people with this vital training can include children.
In this course children will learn what to do in emergency situations. The class will take an age-appropriate approach that is fun for young learners, but also teaches them very serious, vital skills. Younger children (5-9 years)will meet the puppets David and Stella who will teach us how we can help each other, how we sometimes need to call the ambulance, and what we do if a person is not responding or breathing. In this course we will sing and dance and practice life-saving skills on manikins. Older kids (10-16 years) can choose between CPR or First Aid focus and will have thorough hands-on training to get a better understanding of how to act fast in emergency situations.
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